Medical Magi

​A long bloodline family who is one of the top 3 families in the magical world getting ready to give birth to their perfect prodigal child. The child is born, they’re ecstatic. And when the child turns 7 they take their placement test to see their arcane ability. The results come back with a whopping 0%. Like this shouldn’t ever happen. So in shame they send their kid to the ‘normal’ world side to live a basic life. Well, the kid knows about magic and shit already, so he tries for years to produce something in the normal world. Then learning of “alchemy” and science he goes to herbalist classes and med school. Just to prove his family wrong. After years of his life out into this thing he learns is medicine, he becomes one of the world’s highest known doctors. His fruition of all his work is that he creates a concoction that actually cures all illnesses, and if taken too much, can halt aging all together. This exilir of life could only have been made by herbs and science, yet now the magic world wants what he made.


Hello my friends…

Since I was 12 I have played Dungeons & Dragons, and since its unlimited expanse has sparked a creativity in me that almost no other medium has. Fifteen years later I am still in love with the franchise; but now I too am a creator of worlds, characters, and stories. This blog is my soon to be treasure trove of my imagination, and I welcome all my readers to let go of their reality and step into my worlds. Welcome to my mountain. Please, have a seat at the tavern and listen to my story.